Beginner's Guide

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This is a spoiler-free guide to the basics of Soul's Remnant. The main functions of the game are explained, with some information omitted for the sake of maintaining that new player experience.


Controls can be rebound within the settings, however the Default controls are displayed below for your convenience.

Basic Controls
Left/Right Arrow Keys Move Left/Right
Up Use Portal
Z Basic Attack
X Jump (You can double jump)
V Pick Up Item
Enter Chat
I Inventory Menu
L Equipment Menu
O Attributes Menu
K Skills Menu
ESC Escape Menu
N Guild Menu
P Party Menu
M Crafting Menu
Control + F4 Toggle Fullscreen
Control + F3 Toggle FPS/Ping Viewer
Control + F2 Toggle Physics Debug Viewer
F9 Toggle UI

Discord Bot Controls

To link your Chaomoon account with your Discord account, you must login to the Soul's Remnant website and visit . At the bottom of the page you will find the option to link your accounts.

In-Game Controls
Control + Left Click item within inventory Shares the item on Discord for others to see!
Discord Controls
!help Displays server bot commands
!profile Shows the badges you have on your Chaomoon Account. Your Discord account must be linked for this to work.
!profile [account name] Shows the badges a Chaomoon Account has.
!item [item name] Gives a brief description of an item, as well as it's Item Rarity.
!skill [skill name] Gives a brief description of a skill, as well as it's scaling.

Chat Commands

These are chat commands used within Soul's Remnant.

Chat Commands
/kill Kills you.
/guildinvite [name] Invites a player to your guild.
/guildkick [name] Kicks a player from your guild.
/guildaccept Accepts a guild invite.
/guilddecline Declines a guild invite.
/guildleave Leaves your guild.
/guildstat [stat type] Changes your bonus guilt stat. PEx: STR, INT, DEX, etc_
/shophelp Displays some useful info about player shops in your chat box.
/closeshop Closes your player shop.
/housinghelp Displays some commands for housing.
/housingperms [type] Used to set who can build in your housing map. (Types can be: public, private, party, or guild)
/online See how many players are online right now.
/save Force save your data. Can be used once per a minute. (The game autosaves every once in a while, so this isn't super necessary)
/time Gives the current World Time.
/w [name] [message] Used to send messages that only the specified, online player can see. Purple Text.
/p [message] Used to send messages that only your party member(s) can see. Blue text.
/g [message] Used to send messages that only your guildmate(s) can see. Green text.


Every time you level up, you gain 5 attribute points. These can be used to increase the various attributes: STR, DEX, INT, SPR, CON, and LUK. More information on these attributes will be displayed if you hover your mouse over the icons in the attribute window. You can reset your attributes for free, with a cooldown of 1 hour.

Leveling Up

You level up after gaining enough Player EXP. If you want to know the exact numbers, you can hover over your experience bar. Player EXP can be acquired by defeating monsters and completing quests. Every time you level up you gain: A slight increase in HP and MP, 5 attribute points, and 2 skill points.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In Soul's Remnant it is possible to DOWNLEVEL. When you die in Soul's Remnant, you lose EXP. If you lose enough EXP to go below 0, you will go down a level. This means it is entirely possible to downlevel back to level 1, if you die enough times.


You can learn skills from the Crafting Menu (M). Skills require soul crystals, skill points, and sometimes specific items in order to be learned. Once you learn a skill, you'll have it learned forever, but choose wisely because skill points are quite limited. If you end up not liking a skill, you can unlearn it by accessing the Skills Menu (K) and clicking on "Unlearn Skill" and following the instructions in the window that opens.

Skills gain Skill EXP by using them. For example, you can level damaging skills only by last hitting enemies with said skill, healing skills by healing yourself/allies, or buffing skills by hitting enemies with any physical skill while the buff is in use. Skills can also gain EXP through the use of Skill Books, which are mainly found in dungeons. Some skills can only gain EXP with these books. Once a skill has enough EXP to level up, you must go into the Crafting Menu (M) and level upgrade it before the skill can earn any more Skill EXP.


Dungeons look like a floating crystal, and contain valuable items within. To enter a dungeon you must first be in a party, and the party leader must have at least one Dungeon Pass in their inventory as well as an item to offer. Upon interacting ("spacebar" by default) with the floating crystal, a window will appear. The party leader must then drag an item into the designated box as an offering.

The difficulty of the dungeon you enter is decided by the item you offer:

Dungeon Difficulty
Item Rarity 1-3 Normal Difficulty
Item Rarity 4-6 Hard Difficulty
Item Rarity 7-9 Extreme Difficulty

After clicking "Enter", one of the offered item and one Dungeon Pass will be erased from the party leader's inventory, and the party will be sent into the Dungeon Entrance. The dungeon's layout will be mapped in the upper right-hand corner of your screen as you progress. The item you offered will show as well.

May your first dungeon be a good one!


When you die, you lose EXP and Soul Crystals. How much you lose depends on how far you've progressed through the game.

Item Loss: If you die while in a dungeon, you may lose one or more items - including those you have equipped. The amount you lose is dependent on the difficulty of the dungeon:

Dungeon Item Loss
Normal (1-3) No items lost
Hard (4-6) 1 item lost
Extreme (7-9) 2 items lost

It is possible to prevent items from being lost by blessing it with a craftable item (you do not have the recipe for this item at the start of the game). If an item that is blessed is chosen to be lost, it will instead lose it's blessing.

EXP loss: You lose 8% of your current level's EXP. This can be reduced by your LUK stat.

Soul Crystal loss: You lose 3% of your soul crystals.

You will be warped back to Spawn upon death.

Day and Night

Night lasts for roughly twenty-two real world minutes, from 7pm to 5am in World Time. Background music is replaced with ambient noise, most maps grow dark and make every source of light that much more precious.

And whatever other changes night may or may not bring is for you to discover.