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Dungeons look like a floating crystal, and contain valuable items within. To enter a dungeon you must first be in a party, and the party leader must have at least one Dungeon Pass in their inventory as well as an item to offer. Upon interacting ("spacebar" by default) with the floating crystal, a window will appear. The party leader must then drag an item into the designated box as an offering.

The difficulty of the dungeon you enter is entirely decided by the item you offer:

Red Shard has a rarity of 1.
This will be a Normal Difficulty Dungeon.
Dungeon Difficulty
Item Rarity 1-3 Normal Difficulty
Item Rarity 4-6 Hard Difficulty
Item Rarity 7-9 Extreme Difficulty

After clicking "Enter", one of the offered item and one Dungeon Pass will be erased from the party leader's inventory, and the party will be sent into the Dungeon Entrance. The dungeon's layout will be mapped in the upper right-hand corner of your screen as you progress. The item you offered will show as well.

The dungeon that you enter is procedurally generated based on the item you offer. This means that if you offer a different item for your next dungeon run, even if it has the same rarity, you will enter a dungeon with a different layout. However, this also means that you can enter a familiar layout by offering the same item. Keep in mind that these generated layouts do reset occasionally, so layouts will not be the same from one day to the next.

Also. If someone outside of the dungeon has their own Dungeon Pass and offers the same item your party used to enter, they will join your instance of the Dungeon. This can be useful if a player dies and needs to re-enter the dungeon, or if you'd like to run a dungeon with more players than the default party size. Trying to do a dungeon with a number of people higher than the party size that entered, may result in some players not getting full rewards.

This may lead to, and has lead to, some memorable mishaps :)

Room Types

These are the different types of rooms you will see in a dungeon:

The blue dot is your location. The green dot(s) will show other players.

Dungeon Entrance:
The room you first enter into, denoted by a blue square on the map. Within this room will be a purple Exit Portal which will take you, and only you, out of the dungeon should you try to take the portal. After confirming that that is what you want to do.

Standard Room:
Every room besides the Dungeon Entrance builds upon the Standard Room, which is shown as a clear square on the map. There are no portals in these rooms until they are cleared. Each of these rooms will have a single Slime in them that, after being defeated, will spawn the first wave of monsters. A new wave will spawn after the last monster of a wave is defeated, until all enemies are slain and the room is cleared.

Key Room:
Your first main goal is to find this room, which will show as a light red square on the map when you near it. The monsters here will be of a higher difficulty than Standard Rooms, and in the final and hardest wave one of the monsters will drop the Boss Key. A player will have to pick this up into their inventory. After the Key Room is cleared, a green portal will sometimes appear that will take you back to the Dungeon Entrance. This can help save time, but the portal doesn't always appear.

Boss Room:
This room will appear a bright red square on the map, and any portal leading into it will also be a bright red. These portals are locked. In order to enter the Boss Room, the player with the Boss Key in their inventory will have to enter first. Upon entry, the Boss Key is removed from their inventory and other players will be able to enter. Remember, there is only a single Slime enemy. So long as the Slime is not killed, no other enemies will spawn within the room. After the Slime is killed, the waves of harder enemies will begin. The final wave will contain the boss monster(s), and it's up to everyone to take them down.

After victory is achieved, a window showing player damage contribution will appear, and a bonus amount of Soul Crystal will be distributed based on it. Successfully clearing the Boss Room will unlock one Boss Chest for each party member, and each player can only open one chest. After a chest is opened the items within it will spread out onto the floor as per usual, so be kind and don't be greedy. After everyone is done, they can individually take the purple Exit Portal that spawned within the Boss Room or go back through the other dungeon rooms.

Loot Room(s):
There are anywhere from zero to a few of these yellow square rooms within any given dungeon, and they're better than Standard Rooms. One chest will spawn for each party member upon clearing. The contents of these chests have a lower quality pool of items than Boss Chests, but a chest is a chest. While exploring the dungeon, there's no harm in going through Loot Rooms while looking for your Key Room or Boss Room. If you really feel like it, you can even explore the dungeon after clearing the Boss Room, looking for Loot Rooms.

Bonus Events

Occasionally, a temporary icon will appear above the dungeon. If it looks like an hourglass , that is "Time Trial". If it looks like a sword , that is "Double Trouble". Entering a dungeon while one of these icons float above it, will apply the bonus event to your dungeon.

3-player Plains Dungeon Hard Time Trial

"Time Trial: Complete the dungeon within the time limit for bonus rewards!"
Upon entering the dungeon, a timer will appear at the top of your screen and begin to tick down. If you manage to clear the dungeon before the timer reaches 00:00, as in get the Boss Key and clear the Boss Room, you will receive additional rewards.

Double Trouble Crusher (+24, +126)
Double Trouble Shiny Soultree (+2275, +11200)

"Double Trouble: The dungeon's monsters are twice as hard, but give double EXP and drops."
Monsters within this type of bonus mode are larger, having increased health as well as increased damage. This includes all waves of the Boss Room. These Double Trouble monsters also give a larger amount of Player EXP and Skill EXP, making it worth the (double) trouble so long as you're prepared.

Dungeon Locations

The Slime Garden Dungeon can be found on the Behind The Garden map

The Plains Dungeon can be found on the Plains 3 map.

The Cave Trial Dungeon can be found on the Deep Cave 5 map.