Player Stats

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Level 21, Casual Melee (Christmas 2024)

Every time a player levels up, they gain 5 attribute points along with some HP and MP. By opening the Attribute Menu (default key: o), players will then have the ability to allocate these points to any attribute they'd like. These points can be freely reset once per real life hour. The 6 current attributes are: STR, DEX, INT, SPR, CON, and LUK.

Players also gain 2 skill points with every level, which they can use to upgrade and learn new Skills.

Strength (STR)

Description: Increases melee attack damage.

- The damage of many close-ranged Physical Skills scale from this stat.

Dexterity (DEX)

Description: Increases ranged attack damage, damage balance, and reduces cooldowns for melee skills.

- The damage of many long-ranged Physical Skills scale from this stat.

Intelligence (INT)

Description: Increases magic damage.

- The damage of many Magical Skills scale from this stat.

Spirit (SPR)

Description: Increases maximum MP, MP regeneration, and reduces cooldown for magic skills.

- SPR works by always increasing maximum MP and then having "breakpoints" where MP regeneration is increased. If you want to optimize your stats, keep an eye out!

Constitution (CON)

Description: Increases Max HP, and Defense slightly.

- Every 10 points of CON will grant the player +1 Defense.

Luck (LUK)

Description: Increases critical hit chance and item drop rate. Also reduces EXP loss from death.

-Every point of LUCK increases drop rate by 0.5% multiplicatively i.e. 50 LUK = 25% increase from base droprate.
-The crit rate formula is as follows: f(x) = (2/(1+e^-0.016(x+0)))-1

Speed (SPD)

Description: How fast you can run.

-This stat cannot be increased using attribute points. Mostly a quality of life upgrade but can be useful in certain situation like skipping platforms. Can only be modified using specific equipment, gem upgrades, and Guild buffs.

Jump (JMP)

Description: How high you can jump.

-This stat cannot be increased using attribute points. Mostly a quality of life upgrade but can be useful in certain situation like skipping platforms. Can only be modified using specific equipment, gem upgrades, and Guild buffs.

Defense (DEF)

Description: How much damage reduction you have.

-A very valuable stat for damage mitigation. Using equipment, gem upgrades, and Guild buffs is the generally recommended method for getting more DEF.

Critical Hit Rate

Description: The chance of you landing a critical hit with any given attack.

-Critical hits deal twice the amount of damage. Beyond DEX, Guild buffs are a good source of crit rate.

Melee Cooldown Reduction

Description: The cooldown reduction you have on your melee skills.

-Can be further increased with Guild buffs.

Magic Cooldown Reduction

Description: The cooldown reduction you have on your magic skills.

-Can be further increased with Guild buffs.


  • Whilst Soul's Remnant does not have any traditional "classes", it is somewhat recommended to stick to 2-3 stats to create a more reliable experience for yourself. For example, if you want to be more of a traditional "Mage", you would split your points mainly between INT and SPR, while occasionally dipping into LUK for some crit, and CON for some health/defense.
  • No matter the build you use, a small bit of CON will go a long way. Generally speaking, 10 CON is good for early game, 20 for mid game, and 30 for end game. This recommendation will vary with the player's build, skill level, as well as the difficulty of the current Season. However, no matter your preference, it is highly recommended to level CON in increments of 10 to get the important DEF boost.