Seafood Supreme

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Name: Seafood Supreme

Type: Consumable

Effect: +4 STR +4 DEX +4 INT +4 SPR +4 CON +4 LUK +3 DEF
+3 SPD +3 JMP Heals 95 HP Heals 30 MP

Duration: 400 seconds
Rarity: 9

Crafting: +2500 Cooking EXP
Material(s): Exotic Tuna x1, Ice Salmon x1, Sulphur Squid x1, Chomper x1
Requirement: Cooking Level 9
100% Success Rate: Cooking Level 9

" You basically combined every fish you could find, and it actually went
fairly well! What a masterpiece of a dish. "

How to Obtain

Recipe dropped by:
