
From Soul's Remnant Wiki
Revision as of 01:34, 1 August 2023 by Guninvalid (talk | contribs)
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This is a simple webpage for discussing anything that should be added, changed, or removed from the wiki. This is meant to be editable by anyone. Do keep in mind that we will still see vandalism edits >:((((((

When adding or modifying this list, please mark with {{CRITICAL}}, {{HIGH}}, {{MEDIUM}}, or {{LOW}} for critical, high, medium, or low priority items, respectively. Please add a * at the beginning of any new items, so they appear as bullet points. Format should look like:

*{{LEVEL}}Demote guninvalid

Page-specific ToDos should be listed in Meta:Pages for Completion.

The List

  • Medium Importance Make pages for a few mini bosses + the Reaper bosses (maybe separate category from the monsters?) that are currently missing
  • Low Importance Make pages for the missing Game Content categories on the front page
  • Low Importance Grab icons for monsters off the SRL and add them to their pages