Meta:Pages for Completion

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Pages that need creation, completion, or factchecking should go here. As with Meta:ToDo, this is meant to be a space for editors to place pages that need work.

Follow the same guidelines as Meta:ToDo.

Pages Requiring Creation

This is a list for pages which need to be created, meaning they do not already exist. If you see any blue pages on this list, kindly remove them or move them to another section on this page.

Pages Requiring Completion

This list is for pages which already exist but which are incomplete. When adding to this list, please include a brief description of what specifically needs to be completed, such as sections to be completed or added or information missing.

  • Low Importance Soul's Remnant is missing information on the 2018 pre-alpha. I wasn't there so I can't really add much other than "it made the game lmao"

Pages Requiring Fact check

This list is for pages which are complete, but not necessarily accurate. You may add any pages here if you do not feel you are confident that they are fully correct. Again, please include a brief description of what information needs to be fact-checked.

there appears to be nothing here