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Skills are a core part of Soul's Remnant Online, allowing the player to perform special feats in combat or other environments that both reflect and dictate their attribute distribution. Skill recipes are most commonly found in Dungeons after opening the loot chest(s) of boss rooms, and different dungeons provide a different pool of skill recipes. After using a skill's recipe, it will appear within your Crafting menu.

Combat skills can cost anywhere from 1 to 3 skill points to first learn, and from that point on each additional level costs 1 skill point. Non-combat skills cost zero skill points to first learn, and also cost zero skill points to level up all the way to max level (10).

Skills gain Skill EXP by using them. For example, you can level damaging skills only by last hitting enemies with said skill, healing skills by healing yourself/allies, or buffing skills by hitting enemies with any physical skill while the buff is in use. Skills can also gain EXP through the use of Skill Books, which are mainly found in dungeons. Some skills can only gain EXP with these books. Once a skill has enough EXP to level up, you must go into the Crafting Menu (M) and level upgrade it before the skill can earn any more Skill EXP.

So search for chests, fight monsters, trade with players, and clear Dungeons to get the skills you want and deserve!

Skill Upgrade

Higher level skills provide a boost in their effectiveness. Gathering skills will provide an increase in the amount of items gathered per node at higher levels. The number of items you can craft and overall success rate increase as Crafting skills are upgraded. Damage-dealing skills can receive an increase in range and/or an increase in damage dealt. Etc.

When a skill reaches the maximum Skill EXP for its current level, it will no longer gain Skill EXP. The skill must be level upgraded in order for the accumulated amount of Skill EXP to be set to zero, and you can once again try to reach the maximum and do the next level upgrade. The higher the level, the more materials you must use in order to level upgrade. You can find an upgrade guide for a skill by going to that skill's page, which can be reached by clicking on the skill's name here on this page.

A common material for skill upgrade across most skills are one Skill Upgrade Crystal Lv1 in order to reach Lv5, and one Skill Upgrade Crystal Lv2 in order to reach Lv9. These upgrade crystals are most commonly found in Dungeons, so don't be shy about trying to do dungeons!


Crafting List (Skills)
Name Learn Physical Magic Support Movement Gathering Crafting Life
Alchemy 0 Points
Blacksmith 0 Points
Cooking 0 Points
Herbalism 0 Points
Fishing 0 Points
Mining 0 Points
Merchant 0 Points
Search 0 Points
Taming 0 Points
Heavy Strike 3 Points
Grapple Equip
Grapple Strike 2 Points
Upward Strike 3 Points
Dash Strike 3 Points
Fire Charge 2 Points
Ice Charge 2 Points
Ghost Charge 2 Points
Metal Charge 2 Points
Lightning Charge 2 Points
Water Charge 2 Points
Soul Shot 3 Points
Frost 3 Points
Flame Barrage 3 Points
Gravity Well 3 Points
Ninja Throw 3 Points
Triple Throw 3 Points
Arrow Rain 3 Points
Revitalize 3 Points
Medishot 3 Points
Roll 1 Point
Burst Shield 2 Points
Mana Shield 2 Points
Taunt 2 Points
Armor Link 2 Points
Combat Scaling
Name Learn Element STR DEX INT SPR CON LUK Cost Cooldown
Heavy Strike 3 Points Normal 60% 30% 1.7 sec
Grapple Strike 2 Points Normal 60% 30%
Upward Strike 3 Points Normal 60% 30% 2.4 sec
Dash Strike 3 Points Normal 40% 60% 3.4 sec
Fire Charge 2 Points Fire 50% 50% 8 1 sec
Ice Charge 2 Points Ice 100% 8 1 sec
Ghost Charge 2 Points Ghost 8 1 sec
Metal Charge 2 Points Metal 50% 50% 8 1 sec
Lightning Charge 2 Points Lightning 50% 50% 8 1 sec
Water Charge 2 Points Water 50% 50% 8 1 sec
Soul Shot 3 Points Normal 45% 40% 20% 6
Frost 3 Points Ice 90% 10% 4
Flame Barrage 3 Points Fire 40% 50% 6
Gravity Well 3 Points Metal 90% 10% 9
Ninja Throw 3 Points Normal 80% 30%
Triple Throw 3 Points Normal 20% 70% 30%
Arrow Rain 3 Points Normal
Revitalize 3 Points Healing 60% 20% 30% 6 6.5 sec
Medishot 3 Points Healing 20% 60% 20%
Roll 1 Point None 4 sec
Burst Shield 2 Points Normal
Mana Shield 2 Points None
Taunt 2 Points None 100% 3 sec
Armor Link 2 Points None 80% 10%

Below is an alternative method of organizing the skills found in Soul's Remnant Online. Combat skills have been split into the three following sub-groups for convenience:

Damage: Self explanatory. Using these skills will deal damage.
Utility: Helpful skills that may not do damage, but can absolutely save many a life with skilled application.
Charge: Elemental damage plays a significant role in Soul's Remnant Online. For more information, check out the Element page.


Life Skills