Shadow Golem

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Hall of Might


Shadow Golem
Level: 45 EXP: 5680 Tameable: MAYBE?
HP: 9000 ATK: 38 DEF: 21
MP: 50 SPD: 2 Type: Ghost / Metal


  • [???] Soul Crystals




This enemy has 2 attack patterns and does not have contact damage.
The attack patterns are:

  • 1) Charging a slam on its position while pulling the player towards it, can be avoided by running away from it.
  • 2) Calling on falling rocks to strike the players inside indicated red zones, cam be avoided by standing on gaps of said zones or on this enemy since it's has no contact damage


  • Despite being labeled as "Tameable" in the Soul's Remnant Library, this monster seemed impossible to tame in the 2022 playtest.
  • The Shadow Golem has a unique death animation.